I sure hope that you have been enjoying camp as much as I have. Keep up the good work! If you are just joining us now for the first time for Mental Health Boot Camp, we are glad to have you. Feel free to take a minute to read the Overview and what we were up to on Week 1 to get caught up.
Here is your next week’s worth of tasks. I will send out reminders daily via Facebook and Twitter for those that need the reminder or for those of you that like the surprise.
Week 2 Theme: Gratitude
There have been many self-help books recently that have focused on the power of gratitude. “The Book of Awesome” by Neil Pasricha, and “A Simple Act of Gratitude” by John Kralik are a couple that come to mind. Spending time thinking and appreciating what we have in our life is an important way to stay mentally healthy. Being grateful is very difficult during hard times. This week we are going to start practicing gratitude.
Saturday Senses: Day 8
Task: Take a Picture
Creativity is an underestimated asset in our lives. We are all creative, just in different ways. Often in life we get stuck in a rut and creativity is an excellent way to get out of it.
Today I want you to look at your world from a different angle or point of view. Get out your camera (or phone) and take a picture. The theme is gratefulness. There are no judgments here about skill or content. Just have fun with it.
Silly Sunday: Day 9
Task: Victory Dance
Never underestimate the power of a good victory dance. I want you to think about one small (or big) thing that went well today and I want you to do a victory dance. This could be a long interpretive dance alone in your living room or a shuffle with your spouse at the mall. Spend the day looking for the perfect moment and go for it. Don’t forget to share.
Manic Monday: Day 10
Task: Nostalgia
I want you to dig out an old photo album. In this day and age this may mean heading to Flickr or YouTube. The point is I want you to get nostalgic. You may need to put some time aside for this task as often looking a few pictures or videos can lead to looking at many. While you are looking at old memories, I want you to pay attention, notice how your body feels, think about the smells, sounds and anything else that comes to mind. Think about who was involved in those memories. How did you feel about them then and now?
Tension Tuesday: Day 11
Task: Go for a Walk
Today you are going out in the world. Nature is one of the best antidepressants out there. If it is cold, bundle up. If you really can’t get out there at least find a window with a view. Take 10-20 min to just be with nature. No cheating with ipods and cellphones. The point is to slow down and notice all the sights, sounds and smells around you. For many of you techno geeks, the idea of being quiet in nature with no distractions might make you twitchy. Work through it. We are increasingly so overstimulated with gadgets and stuff it is hard to just be. We find it boring. Believe it or not, boring is good for us. Constant arousal is hard on our mind and our body. I will forgive a pic of where you walked if you want to share.
Weird Wednesday: Day 12
Task: Personal Affirmation
For those of you old enough to remember to good old days of SNL, you may remember Stuart Smalley. He used to do positive affirmations in the mirror saying “I’m good enough and I’m smart enough and gosh darn it people like me.” Well today is a tribute to Stuart. I want you to come up with a positive affirmation for yourself. I want you to spend the day thinking about what you really appreciate about yourself and write it down. Take a Post-it Note and stick in on your mirror, put it as a note in your lunch or make it part of your screen saver. Now I know that the affirmation itself may be weird to post around the house. If you would rather use one word or a symbol to remind you of your affirmation. that’s okay too.
Thoughtful Thursday: Day 13
Task: Focus on what went right
Today we will focus on what went right. When we are in a down we naturally focus on what isn’t working. A few weeks ago I was emptying a puke bucket for my daughter and cleaning up all sorts of other disgusting fluids. I missed a night out with my husband and got no sleep. Once I accepted my fate of laundry, fevers and sleeping with a delusional fitful kid, I reminded myself of what a privilege it is to be her Mom. I am lucky that I am the one she wants when she feels her worst.
Today I want you to walk through your day and try to focus your attention on what went right. Some days it may only be a green light, other days there will be plenty to celebrate. At the end of the day, take inventory.
Forward Friday: Day 14
Task: Send a Thank You Note
Here it is again, Pay-it-Forward Friday. Today we are going to share our gratitude with others. Today I want you to send a thank you note to someone. It needs to be sincere, and thoughtful. You can send it by email, snail mail, Facebook or hot air balloon. It could be someone you know or a random stranger. Set your intention and do it. Be creative and let us know how it goes.
Two more weeks to go. I know it can be hard to find the time but you are worth it.