Theme: Pay it Forward
I love the idea of paying forward. I love it so much that I not only included it one day a week of our Boot Camp but also wanted to focus on it for a whole week. Kindness is a positive way of getting out of your own head to see things from a different perspective. For me, I incorporate volunteering as a regular part of my life. I do this because it is good for my community but also because it is good for me. For others, these acts of kindness are less scripted and more random. We have all heard of the kind souls that buy people’s coffee in the drive through. The point is however you pay it forward it should feel good and not like a chore.
Saturday Senses: Day 15
Task: Free Hugs
What is better for your senses than a hug? I know that some of us aren’t as physically affectionate as others but everyone likes a hug from the right person at the right time. Today’s Pay it Forward task is to give away some hugs. You may need to step outside your comfort zone but it will be worth it. Free Tip: Ask first or it might not go very well.
Silly Sunday: Day 16
Task: Bubbles
Bubbles are my “go to” mental health trick with most of my clients regardless of age. People like bubbles. It teaches you how to breath properly when you are panicking and usually adds an element of silly which often brings a smile. Today I want you to dig out some bubbles from the kids cabinet or head to the dollar store and pick up some bubbles. Take 5 minutes to make a room full of bubbles. Because it is pay it forward week I want you to share your bubbles. That could mean with your family, colleagues or random strangers at the mall. I don’t care, just have fun with it. And don’t forget to tell us what you did. A pic might help too.
Manic Monday: Day 17
Task: Take What You Need
A few years ago in a cafe in Victoria I found a sign that said “Take What You Need.” On it there was pull off tabs that people could rip of and take with them. I thought it was one of the most brilliant things. Today I want you to make one of these and post it somewhere. I had one on my office door for months. It was amazing what conversations it started. I found it fascinating what people took. Some people would show up at my office and ask for a tally on what people seemed to need that day.
Tension Tuesday: Day 18
Task: Makes Someone Laugh
Laughter is the best stress reliever. When I have clients in sessions I don’t think I am doing my job if we aren’t laughing at least some of the time. Today’s task is to make someone laugh. It is good for your health and for your relationships. Don’t forget to tell us how it went.
Weird Wednesday: Day 19
Task: Call a Friend
Today I want you to take some time out of your day and call someone that you haven’t spoken to in far too long. You know who I mean. That person that you keep meaning on calling but life gets in the way. Not the person that is gonna guilt trip you about it but will understand, no matter how long it has been. You will be glad you did.
Thoughtful Thursday: Day 20
Task: More TED
Today I want you to think about the power of kindness. So today your task on this thoughtful Thursday is to watch another TED Talk on kindness.
Forward Friday: Day 21
Task: Random Act of Kindness
Today is a day to get creative. Most of us have heard Random Act of Kindness. Today I want you to go out and do some. They could be big or small. Just set an intention and do it. I would love to hear what you came up with.