Despite my distaste for New Year’s resolutions I find myself everyday doing squats, planks and push ups. Honestly it all feels a little silly. My daughter walked in on my push ups the other day looked at me and said “Really, Mom?” I think the comment had more to do with my attire than the push up but I felt ridiculous. Why do I do it then? Well I know there is this other group of people in the Facebook world that are doing it too. It is motivating. A community, even of virtual strangers, can be powerful.
I recently was working with a teenage girl (though, she prefers to be called a young adult). A while ago she really felt like she needed something to focus on when she wasn’t in a session with me. She wanted daily tasks to help her focus. That speaks highly of her motivation. Together we created a mental health boot camp for her. She loved it.
In the new year my Facebook and Twitter accounts were filling up with month long challenges “to a new you” or a “better butt.” This got me to thinking. Why don’t I take this idea and bring it to the social media world? The exercise community has done such a good job of connecting people in a positive way towards health. Why not try it with mental health?
In my opinion, good mental health is even more important than abs of steel. Good mental health is the foundation of a good life, just like a strong core is key to physical health. So if mental health is more important than how many push ups I can do, than why don’t we put at least as much effort into it.
So I want to run an experiment. I want to run a Mental Health Boot Camp through my blog, via Twitter and Facebook. I need you to help it work. So here are the details.
What is a Mental Health Boot Camp?
Basically each day for a month I will give you a task. The tasks will be short in duration and they will be designed to have you focus for a few minutes on the most important person in your life, YOU!
I will post the tasks for the week at the beginning of each week so you know what is coming on my blog. On Facebook (www.facebook.com/kristaosbornecounselling) and Twitter (#mhbootcamp) I will also remind you of the daily task each morning. Every week will have a theme or foundational skill that can lead you toward improved mental health.
After you complete the task, post to twitter using the hashtag #mhbootcamp or in the comment section of my Facebook wall that you did it. Your post can be as simple as “done” or you can reflect on how you felt about doing the task. Pictures and videos are also welcome. That will be up to you. Feel free to comment and encourage others on their journey as well. The point is to build in a team approach to mental health.
How can I join?
Simply “Like” Krista Osborne Counselling Services on Facebook or follow me on Twitter. If you would rather you can follow the #mhbootcamp hashtag.
What is the commitment?
Read, do, post. That is it. Each task will require some effort but very little time. The point is to make it simple to incorporate in your daily life. You are in control and can do as much or as little as you want. I am hoping that you will commit to the whole month.
What are the rules?
Try, be encouraging of others, be honest and watch your boundaries. This is not intended to be therapy or to replace a therapist. If you have issues in your life you need to confront, these exercises may help you center yourself but they won’t solve any problems. So comments should be about the Boot Camp and its impact on you in the present not about past trauma. The focus will be on mindfulness and self-exploration. Over-sharing on social media is definitely not good for your mental health.
When does it start?
February 1st, 2014 and we will end on the 28th.
See you there. I can’t wait.
Mental Health Boot Camp is a great idea.I’m going to be doing this with a 95 year old friend,who is one of the most positive people I know. Based on the first week of activities it should be fun.
Found out about it a little late, but have my theme song. Risk by Paul Brandt.