Letter to the Editor

Today I was reading my local paper and ran across this article in the St. Albert Gazette.  I felt compelled to submit this Letter to the Editor in response.  Let me know what you think.  (UPDATE:  As a result of this letter the Gazette has rewritten the article.  The link here is to the new article as they have removed the original version.  I am impressed with their quick response.)

Re: Man creates stir atop pedestrian bridge

As a therapist working and living in the community of St. Albert, I was disappointed by the tone of Ms. Pruss’ article.  I was also dismayed that the Gazette chose to publish it in this manner.   There is nothing amusing about an intoxicated man on a pedestrian bridge.  I do not presume to know his motivations but if in fact he was a “would be jumper” as the headline suggests then the man needs our help not our ridicule. 

While I’m sure Ms. Pruss was intending to be witty with her flowery language describing the “acrobatic” skills of the man, I don’t think the language is professional from a journalistic standpoint as it editorializes rather than reports.  I also think it insensitive. This man likely has family and/or friends concerned for him and his safety. 

There are likely thousands of residents of St. Albert that suffer from alcoholism or mental health concerns.  Articles like this further stigmatize these issues and make it harder for them to reach for help. As a society we too often look for the quick laugh rather than provide compassion. 

To the man on the bridge: If you are reading this, there are people out there that can help you if you need it.  Here is the number for the Distress Line 780-482-4357 (HELP).  Maybe this was a drunken prank or a cry for help, I really don’t know. Either way, I hope you find the support you need. 

Krista Osborne, MSW, RSW.  

One Reply to “Letter to the Editor”

  1. Krista, thank you so much for your compassionate response to this gentleman’s situation. We all need to advocate for the vulnerable in our society and you did it so well.

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